


We are serving DVB- and IPTV- operators and broadcasters, headend CATV operators, system integrators with a complete range of headend equipment over a worldwide network of distribution and technical support partners, from Germany.

We focus on the following activities:

BLANKOM DVB & IPTV Headend Systems and IPTV & Digital Signage Projects

BLANKOM is a leading supplier of professional headend equipment for digital video distribution, providing SD and HDTV units from DVB-S2 satellite receivers, encoders and multiplexers to QAM-modulators for all broadband applications and has an installed base of more than 10,000 headends worldwide.

BLANKOMs product lines include professional systems for the reception, modulation, conversion and aggregation of TV signals. The cost- and space efficient headend systems provide excellent performance and a user friendly, remote-controllable management interface resulting in low operation cost. BLANKOM products deploy simple and flexible designs allowing individual configurations to meet any customer requirement. Standard features include excellent signal output performance for the most demanding digital TV networks.

The 100 years old, well known German brand BLANKOM has been taken over by IRENIS.
The IRENIS abbreviation means "In Room Entertainment & Network Information Systems".
Having begun in May 2017, we started launching a complete new line of signal processing equipment for video distribution over cable, satellite and IPTV networks in confirmity with our product philosophy “long life, maximum reliability & excellent price/performance ratio”. The 5th generation of BLANKOM headend technology has been further developed and has already reached bright spectrum of different system units.

BLANKOM IP Streamers and Receiving Units, IPTV Servers

Premium quality IPTV/OTT STB’s, Video Encoder and IP Streamer - DVB-IP Gateways, IPTV Systems, 19 Inch Satellite Multiswitch and fiber optic system components .

Design, Engineering, Implementation of Commercial IPTV & DVB Headends

Design and implementation of headends for enterprise IPTV systems on LAN/WAN, for OTT systems for small/midsized operators, for Video-over-IP applications. Outstanding experience on large IPTV headends. Our activities focus on Europe, MEA but acting worldwide, where our partner companies are operating with a sales network for Broadband, RF and fiber optic and communication products since 1988.
History: The origins of BLANKOM started in May 1919 founding of the company "Hermann Pawlik, - Elektrotechnische Fabrik Heliogen" in Königsee/Thuringia. 1945 Expropriation of the owner, 1946-1949 as a Soviet joint stock company (SAG), 1950 Repurchase of the factory by the then GDR and foundation of the state-owned enterprise "RFT - VEB Fernmeldewerk Bad Blankenburg/Thür.Wald", 1961 VEB Antennenwerke Bad Blankenburg/Thuringia, 1990 transformation of the nationally-owned enterprise into a limited liability company under construction under the name: Blankenburg Communication Autoradio & Antennentechnik GmbH i.A. Bad Blankenburg (BLANKOM), The Blankom Group included Blankom Antennentechnik GmbH (BA) and Blankom-Digital GmbH (BD) (later renamed HILKOM-Digital GmbH) from Bad Salzdetfurth near Hildesheim emerged from the FUBA headend department (-1996) -> GI -> Motorola BCN Germany. Blankom-Digital were pioneers in: ASI and DVB in IP.
2017: Takeover of the BLANKOM brand with all rights by IRENIS GmbH in Nordstemmen, Germany, Hanover district.

Download the Company-Leaflet as PDF: BLANKOM brochure

Our international Catalogue pages: IRENIS-BLANKOM

Technology Partners

Digital TV innovation for your business

Distribution Partner

Country: Iraq
Baghdad, Al Mansour Street
Dis. 609, St. 25, Bldg. 8, Office No. 11
Contact Info:
Email: info[a] successfulitsolutions . com ---
Tel: +964 785 151 5101
Post Office Address:
Mustafa Mazin Al Agha
Al Mansour Street, Dis. 609, St. 25, Bldg. 8, Office No. 11
PO Box: 15599, Baghdad, Al Mansour 10013


Successful Models from the good old times

Catalogue 2016

BLANKOm katalog 2016

Once upon a time there was a
BLANKOM Antennentechnik
later BLANKOM Systems GmbH


News-Brochure 2014

News Broschuere 2014

Handout IBC/Angacom from 2014 -
BLANKOM Antennentechnik GmbH and HilKOM Digital GmbH


B-NOVA Brochure

B-NOVA by Blankom Digital

B-NOVA - most sold modular Headend Platform
(HILKOM digital GmbH)

download PDF

Old exhibition Advertisement Videos - from good old times: